Pinned田少谷 ShaoinTaipei Ethereum MeetupLet’s Talk About Overworking and Burnout in CryptoPersonally, I enjoy “moderately working overtime”, say 1 hour on a weekday, and probably 5 hours max on a weekend; but I’d try to only…Jun 30Jun 30
Pinned田少谷 ShaoinTaipei Ethereum MeetupUniswap v3 Features Explained in DepthOnce again the game-changing DEX 🦄 👑Apr 19, 202112Apr 19, 202112
田少谷 Shao2024 上半年書單:藝術、創意與創業、社會文化、小說、生產力、大自然洋風和魂、我有一個關於不倫的,小問題、你不可不知道的300幅名畫及其畫家與畫派、游牧人生、做工的人、海洋台灣、底層邏輯、世界就是這樣結束的、Deep Work 深度工作力、真希望我20歲就懂的事、生時間、麻瓜通靈日記、打造第二大腦Jul 12Jul 12
田少谷 ShaoinTaipei Ethereum MeetupClarifying ERC-1271: Smart Contract Signature VerificationEOAs sign messages, and then verify signatures with isValidSignature() on ERC-1271 compliant smart contracts!May 22May 22
田少谷 Shao失業無所事事三個月的書單:矽谷文化、傳記、社會文化、漫畫永久檔案、異類矽谷:老派矽谷工程師不正經的深度田野踏查、東京白日夢女、盲目的肉食主義:我們愛狗卻吃豬、穿牛皮?、學習的王道、男言之癮:那些對女人說教的男人、獨角獸與牠的產地: 矽谷新創公司歷險記、把時間當作朋友、紐約紐約、失智症的我想告訴你們的事Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
田少谷 ShaoHosting A Deeper-talking On-site Event with A Remote-first TeamAnd we all had a great time exchanging thoughts and chatting with each other :)Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
田少谷 ShaoEIP-4626 Inflation/ Sandwich Attack Deep Dive And How to Solve ItTL;DR EIP-4626 tokenised vaults are susceptible to inflation attacks if the exchange rate of assets deposited and ERC20 shares minted isn’t…Mar 31, 20232Mar 31, 20232